Warranty service terms and conditions
1. General conditions
1.1. The equipment and the installation, set-up and configuration is covered by the warranty for a minimum period of 24 months from the date of signature of the handover and acceptance certificate. The exact warranty period is indicated in the sales contract and its annexes.
1.2. Warranty term is calculated from the date of signature of the final handover and acceptance certificate.
1.3. The seller shall not be liable for any damage caused by the user’s failure to comply with operating instructions provided by the manufacturer or instructions and recommendations provided by the seller.
1.4. Warranty service is not applied if:
1.4.1. The equipment was used not in accordance with recommendations provided by the manufacturer and/or the seller, for the purposes other than its intended use, if the manufacturer's permissible loads (resources, nominal values) have been exceeded, in case of unacceptable speed-ups of operating modes.
1.4.2. Any faults or defects were caused by the under the responsibility of the user or any third party, catastrophic natural phenomena or force majeure circumstances;
1.4.3. Faults were caused due to the use of consumables or parts that were not original or those recommended by the product manufacturer;
1.4.4. If the equipment was mechanically, thermally, chemically or otherwise damaged;
1.4.5. The fault was caused due to contamination, where dust, foreign objects, materials, liquids, insects or similar.
1.4.6. Damage, destruction or alteration of markings or stickers indicating the model, serial number, warranty and other information on the equipment;
1.4.7. The equipment was connected to a faulty or ungrounded electricity, telephone or other type of networks, or the fault was caused by overvoltage or power surges, sudden voltage fluctuations, or disappearance of voltage (whether or not due to the responsibility of the consumer);
1.4.8. Several devices were interconnected without complying with the interconnection standards; 1.4.9. The fault is caused due to improper servicing of the equipment or due to another fault (failure to contact the client service in time or usage of the faulty equipment);
1.4.10. The fault occurred due to computer viruses or another type of malware or software malfunction.
1.4.11. The user performed unauthorised repair works, diagnosis or modification of the equipment (not performed by the dealer or manufacturer's technical centre), as well as there are signs of attempts to dismantle the equipment or similar.1.5. The seller or the manufacturer are not responsible for the data stored within the device media. Before handing over the equipment for servicing, the user shall make a copy of the data stored in the equipment and delete all confidential information.
1.6. The natural wear of the equipment during its use and the resulting change in its appearance and characteristics shall not be considered any fault or quality defect.
2. Terms of service
2.1. Warranty repairs are carried out when the user delivers the equipment to the seller (unless other terms of service are foreseen in the sales contract).
2.2. If the warranty repair is carried out on site and it is confirmed that there are no possibilities to carry out repairs on site, the equipment is dismantled with the consent of the buyer and taken to the seller's after-sales service centre.
2.3. When possible, the seller may provide the buyer, free of charge, with replacement equipment instead of failed equipment.
2.4. Warranty repairs are only carried out after the buyer has provided proof of purchase of the equipment (invoice, receipt, payment voucher or handover-acceptance certificate).
2.5. When submitting the equipment for warranty service, the client must also submit all accompanying annexes.
2.6. If during the repair works it is determined that the consumer is responsible for the fault, the cost of the time actually spent on such repair works or diagnosis will be invoiced, including the cost of used parts (if any).
2.7. If the fault is considered not covered by the warranty, the repair works will be invoiced with a separate invoice.
2.8. In case of repairs works not covered by the warranty, there may be a cost applied for diagnostics of equipment (fault finding fee).
3. Warranty repair procedures and time limits
3.1. Unless otherwise specified in the sales contract, upon receipt of the equipment and if the defect is deemed to be covered by the warranty, the seller shall repair (or, in the absence of repair, replace with the faulty equipment with an identical or analogous equipment) the equipment or part thereof within 30 (thirty) business days from the date of delivery of the product. If the seller faces problems related to the supply of spare parts, the final date of repairing the product shall be agreed with the buyer separately.